Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Skippy Natural Peanut Butter Only $1.25 at Shaw's!

35¢ off when you buy any ONE Skippy® Natural Peanut Butter Spread
Peanut Butter is a major staple at our house. Paired with jam, jelly, carrot and celery sticks, and as a favorite (rare) treat for the dog, peanut butter is a must-have.
So, I'll be sure to pick some up at Shaw's starting this Friday (8/17) for as low as $1.25 each!

Here's the deal:
BUY 2 Skippy Natural Peanut Butter @ $2.00 each
PAY as low as $2.50 (after coupon doubles)
Only $1.25 each!

I assume the Skippy Natural Peanut Buter Spreads will be included in the $2.00 sale as they have been before, but be sure to double check!

35¢ off when you buy any ONE Skippy® Natural Peanut Butter Spread

$1.00 off when you buy any THREE Skippy® Natural Peanut Butter Spreads

75¢ off when you buy any TWO Skippy® Natural Peanut Butter Spreads

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